Smart Chickens A B2B SaaS Demand Gen Drives Innovation & Growth Podcast

Connecting All Data Points From Marketing, Sales, and Customer Success to Generate Revenue Using MindTickle

Episode Summary

πŸ”΄ The Smart Chickens Podcast πŸ” is an effort for teach at the world the secrets of the b2b Saas Deman Generation Growth. Every week our guest, that life in the sales and big marketing world, tell us about their goals, problem and solutions to growth their companies. 🟣 All its work is possible thanks of friends of the best πŸ‘ demand generation growth consulgency πŸ“ˆ πŸ”΅ Conect with our Host and founder od Digitechy in linkedIn πŸ‘‰ 🟠 The others episodes and secrets os revenew groth in our web πŸ‘‰